Standard constants and styles

The library defines a number of constants and styles. You can override them in your themes.

System styles that you can override:

Style name Описание
ruiApp This style is used to set the default text style (font, size, etc.)
ruiView Default View Style
ruiArticle The style to use if the "semantics" property is set to "article"
ruiSection The style used if the "semantics" property is set to "section"
ruiAside The style used if the "semantics" property is set to "aside"
ruiHeader The style used if the "semantics" property is set to "header"
ruiMain The style used if the "semantics" property is set to "main"
ruiFooter Style used if the "semantics" property is set to "footer"
ruiNavigation Style used if property "semantics" is set to "navigation"
ruiFigure Style used if property "semantics" is set to "figure"
ruiFigureCaption Style used if property "semantics" is set to "figure-caption"
ruiButton Style used if property "semantics" is set to "button"
ruiParagraph The style used if the "semantics" property is set to "paragraph"
ruiH1 Style used if property "semantics" is set to "h1"
ruiH2 Style used if property "semantics" is set to "h2"
ruiH3 Style used if property "semantics" is set to "h3"
ruiH4 Style used if property "semantics" is set to "h4"
ruiH5 Style used if property "semantics" is set to "h5"
ruiH6 Style used if property "semantics" is set to "h6"
ruiBlockquote Style used if the "semantics" property is set to "blockquote"
ruiCode Style used if property "semantics" is set to "code"
ruiTable Default TableView style
ruiTableHead Default TableView header style
ruiTableFoot Default TableView footer style
ruiTableRow Default TableView row style
ruiTableColumn Default TableView column style
ruiTableCell Default TableView cell style
ruiDisabledButton Button style if property "disabled" is set to true
ruiCheckbox Checkbox style
ruiListItem ListView item style
ruiListItemSelected Style the selected ListView item when the ListView does not have focus
ruiListItemFocused Style the selected ListView item when the ListView has focus
ruiPopup Popup style
ruiPopupTitle Popup title style
ruiMessageText Popup text style (Message, Question)
ruiPopupMenuItem Popup menu item style

System color constants that you can override:

Color constant name Description
ruiBackgroundColor Background color
ruiTextColor Text color
ruiDisabledTextColor Banned text color
ruiHighlightColor Backlight color
ruiHighlightTextColor Highlighted text color
ruiButtonColor Button color
ruiButtonActiveColor Focus button color
ruiButtonTextColor Button text color
ruiButtonDisabledColor Denied button color
ruiButtonDisabledTextColor Disabled button text color
ruiSelectedColor Background color of inactive selected ListView item
ruiSelectedTextColor Text color of inactive selected ListView item
ruiPopupBackgroundColor Popup background color
ruiPopupTextColor Popup text color
ruiPopupTitleColor Popup title background color
ruiPopupTitleTextColor Popup Title Text Color
ruiTooltipBackground Tooltip background color
ruiTooltipTextColor Tooltip text color
ruiTooltipShadowColor Tooltip shadow color

Constants that you can override:

Constant name Description
ruiButtonHorizontalPadding Horizontal padding inside the button
ruiButtonVerticalPadding Vertical padding inside the button
ruiButtonMargin External button access
ruiButtonRadius Button corner radius
ruiButtonHighlightDilation Width of the outer border of the active button
ruiButtonHighlightBlur Blur the active button frame
ruiCheckboxGap Break between checkbox and content
ruiListItemHorizontalPadding Horizontal padding inside a ListView item
ruiListItemVerticalPadding Vertical padding inside a ListView item
ruiPopupTitleHeight Popup title height
ruiPopupTitlePadding Popup title padding
ruiPopupButtonGap Break between popup buttons