
Resizable is a container in which only one View can be placed. Resizable allows you to interactively resize the content View.To create a Resizable view, the function is used

func NewResizable(session Session, params Params) Resizable

A frame is created around the content View, and you can drag it to resize.

Resizable does not implement the ViewsContainer interface. Only the Content property is used to control the content View.This property can be assigned a value of type View or a string of text. In the second case, a TextView is created.

The frame around the content View can be either from all sides, or only from separate ones.To set the sides of the frame, use the "side" int property (Side constant).It can take the following values:

Value Constant Name Frame side
1 TopSide "top" Top
2 RightSide "right" Right
4 BottomSide "bottom" Bottom
8 LeftSide "left" Left
15 AllSides "all" All sides. Default value

In addition to these values, an or-combination of TopSide, RightSide, BottomSide and LeftSide can also be used.AllSides is defined as

AllSides = TopSide | RightSide | BottomSide | LeftSide

To set the border width, use the SizeUnit property "resize-border-width" (ResizeBorderWidth constant).The default value of "resize-border-width" is 4px.