Used data types: Color
The Color type describes a 32-bit ARGB color:
type Color uint32
The Color type has three types of text representations:
where A, R, G, B is a hexadecimal digit describing the corresponding component. If the alpha channel is not specified,then it is considered equal to FF. If the color component is specified by one digit, then it is doubled.For example, “# 48AD” is equivalent to “# 4488AADD”
2) argb(A, R, G, B), rgb(R, G, B)
where A, R, G, B is the representation of the color component. The component can be west as a float number in the range [0 … 1],or as an integer in the range [0 … 255], or as a percentage from 0% to 100%.
“argb(255, 128, 96, 0)” “rgb(1.0, .5, .8)” “rgb(0%, 50%, 25%)” “argb(50%, 128, .5, 100%)”
The String function is used to convert a Color to a string.To convert a string to Color, is used the function:
func StringToColor(value string) (Color, bool)
3) The name of the color. The RUI library defines the following colors
Name | Color |
black | #ff000000 |
silver | #ffc0c0c0 |
gray | #ff808080 |
white | #ffffffff |
maroon | #ff800000 |
red | #ffff0000 |
purple | #ff800080 |
fuchsia | #ffff00ff |
green | #ff008000 |
lime | #ff00ff00 |
olive | #ff808000 |
yellow | #ffffff00 |
navy | #ff000080 |
blue | #ff0000ff |
teal | #ff008080 |
aqua | #ff00ffff |
orange | #ffffa500 |
aliceblue | #fff0f8ff |
antiquewhite | #fffaebd7 |
aquamarine | #ff7fffd4 |
azure | #fff0ffff |
beige | #fff5f5dc |
bisque | #ffffe4c4 |
blanchedalmond | #ffffebcd |
blueviolet | #ff8a2be2 |
brown | #ffa52a2a |
burlywood | #ffdeb887 |
cadetblue | #ff5f9ea0 |
chartreuse | #ff7fff00 |
chocolate | #ffd2691e |
coral | #ffff7f50 |
cornflowerblue | #ff6495ed |
cornsilk | #fffff8dc |
crimson | #ffdc143c |
cyan | #ff00ffff |
darkblue | #ff00008b |
darkcyan | #ff008b8b |
darkgoldenrod | #ffb8860b |
darkgray | #ffa9a9a9 |
darkgreen | #ff006400 |
darkgrey | #ffa9a9a9 |
darkkhaki | #ffbdb76b |
darkmagenta | #ff8b008b |
darkolivegreen | #ff556b2f |
darkorange | #ffff8c00 |
darkorchid | #ff9932cc |
darkred | #ff8b0000 |
darksalmon | #ffe9967a |
darkseagreen | #ff8fbc8f |
darkslateblue | #ff483d8b |
darkslategray | #ff2f4f4f |
darkslategrey | #ff2f4f4f |
darkturquoise | #ff00ced1 |
darkviolet | #ff9400d3 |
deeppink | #ffff1493 |
deepskyblue | #ff00bfff |
dimgray | #ff696969 |
dimgrey | #ff696969 |
dodgerblue | #ff1e90ff |
firebrick | #ffb22222 |
floralwhite | #fffffaf0 |
forestgreen | #ff228b22 |
gainsboro | #ffdcdcdc |
ghostwhite | #fff8f8ff |
gold | #ffffd700 |
goldenrod | #ffdaa520 |
greenyellow | #ffadff2f |
grey | #ff808080 |
honeydew | #fff0fff0 |
hotpink | #ffff69b4 |
indianred | #ffcd5c5c |
indigo | #ff4b0082 |
ivory | #fffffff0 |
khaki | #fff0e68c |
lavender | #ffe6e6fa |
lavenderblush | #fffff0f5 |
lawngreen | #ff7cfc00 |
lemonchiffon | #fffffacd |
lightblue | #ffadd8e6 |
lightcoral | #fff08080 |
lightcyan | #ffe0ffff |
lightgoldenrodyellow | #fffafad2 |
lightgray | #ffd3d3d3 |
lightgreen | #ff90ee90 |
lightgrey | #ffd3d3d3 |
lightpink | #ffffb6c1 |
lightsalmon | #ffffa07a |
lightseagreen | #ff20b2aa |
lightskyblue | #ff87cefa |
lightslategray | #ff778899 |
lightslategrey | #ff778899 |
lightsteelblue | #ffb0c4de |
lightyellow | #ffffffe0 |
limegreen | #ff32cd32 |
linen | #fffaf0e6 |
magenta | #ffff00ff |
mediumaquamarine | #ff66cdaa |
mediumblue | #ff0000cd |
mediumorchid | #ffba55d3 |
mediumpurple | #ff9370db |
mediumseagreen | #ff3cb371 |
mediumslateblue | #ff7b68ee |
mediumspringgreen | #ff00fa9a |
mediumturquoise | #ff48d1cc |
mediumvioletred | #ffc71585 |
midnightblue | #ff191970 |
mintcream | #fff5fffa |
mistyrose | #ffffe4e1 |
moccasin | #ffffe4b5 |
navajowhite | #ffffdead |
oldlace | #fffdf5e6 |
olivedrab | #ff6b8e23 |
orangered | #ffff4500 |
orchid | #ffda70d6 |
palegoldenrod | #ffeee8aa |
palegreen | #ff98fb98 |
paleturquoise | #ffafeeee |
palevioletred | #ffdb7093 |
papayawhip | #ffffefd5 |
peachpuff | #ffffdab9 |
peru | #ffcd853f |
pink | #ffffc0cb |
plum | #ffdda0dd |
powderblue | #ffb0e0e6 |
rosybrown | #ffbc8f8f |
royalblue | #ff4169e1 |
saddlebrown | #ff8b4513 |
salmon | #fffa8072 |
sandybrown | #fff4a460 |
seagreen | #ff2e8b57 |
seashell | #fffff5ee |
sienna | #ffa0522d |
skyblue | #ff87ceeb |
slateblue | #ff6a5acd |
slategray | #ff708090 |
slategrey | #ff708090 |
snow | #fffffafa |
springgreen | #ff00ff7f |
steelblue | #ff4682b4 |
tan | #ffd2b48c |
thistle | #ffd8bfd8 |
tomato | #ffff6347 |
turquoise | #ff40e0d0 |
violet | #ffee82ee |
wheat | #fff5deb3 |
whitesmoke | #fff5f5f5 |
yellowgreen | #ff9acd32 |